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Interactions is published yearly by the Department of Physics at Carnegie Mellon University for its students, alumni and friends to inform them about the department and serve as a channel of communication for our community. Readers with comments or questions are urged to send them to Interactions. Fax to 412-681-0648 or phone 412-268- 2740. The department is headed by Scott Dodelson.

Scott Dodelson, Department Head

Jocelyn Duffy, Associate Dean for Communications
Barry Luokkala, Teaching Professor

Contributing Writers
Jocelyn Duffy, Theresa Gabrielli, Michael Henninger, Ben Panko, Emily Payne, Elizabeth Speed

Publications Managers
Emily Payne, Communications Manager
Rachel Keeney, Publications Manager and Graphic Designer

Web Layout
Gigi Wiltanger, Web Manager

Photography and Images
Courtesy of Carnegie Mellon University, unless otherwise noted

Department of Physics
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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Inquiries concerning the application of and compliance with this statement should be directed to the vice president for campus affairs, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, telephone 412-268-2056.

Obtain general information about Carnegie Mellon University by calling 412-268-2000.

About the Cover Image

Portion of a sample preparation stage in the ultra-high-vacuum chamber of a scanning tunneling microscope. Read more in the feature article: The Future In 2D